Well, we would like to state that most goes well being an optimist/idealist, Jason says everything is going great, (we pay another person to assume the worst).

Well, we would like to state that most goes well being an optimist/idealist, Jason says everything is going great, (we pay another person to assume the worst).

Today Jason produced drive that is quick Spokane for the pretrail on those charges, (reckless driving/loaded weapon in a vehicle).

The prosecutor was available for a plea deal, but hadn’t investigated the full instance greatly. He started reading law enforcement report and discovered that Jason had the outstanding warrant, so he changed their head on making any deals until looking into the case further. Lawyer filed and had been given a movement for constant on grounds negotiation and discovery is perhaps not finished. Next Spokane court date set is Feb. 28th., 9 am.

After the hearing Jason drove away using the investigator to simply take images at the scene and tell him a play-by-play regarding the escort Simi Valley police stop.

As for the populous City of Ellensburg’s attempt to be the very first in Washington State to convict a citizen for peacefully available holding a handgun, we’re waiting until Feb. 3rd to observe how that goes. Jason is assume to call the town prosecutor on Jan. 24th and find out what deal, if any, they’d be willing to make.

Late Christmas Run

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Well, weather and roadways remain bad in Spokane so no photos. I’ve started classes straight back up, and Jason has brought a drive to complete the Christmas time run that was rudely interupted. Tomorrow he will be heading over to the coast. Unfortunately, perhaps not for the rally against Chris stealing the governor’s seat. Just taken Christmas gift suggestions for the sibling and family in Granite Falls. Jason is taken his mom she can visit the grandkids with him so. Trying to get it done ahead of the next rush of bad weather or appropriate action.

Also the g u n is evidence so we ought to wait until a ruling was created to find out what becomes of it.

Today it Snowed

With all the snow Jason’s drive to have images taken at the scene in Spokane was terminated.

He also referred to as in hopes of having his g u n back. He had been directed to phone the officer that took it from him in hopes of getting permission for it’s launch, (a call he decided against making until further conversation with his lawyer on Monday).

Thursday, January 06, 2005

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A Side Note

What I will kind of as of this weblog is mainly information already in the tactile hands of prosecutors. Since those details are already within the tactile hands of prosecutors, very little is going to be gained „against“ Jason if this site comes to light.

Next Witness Statement

Ellensburg incident. That one was additionally gather 1st, (the day Jason filed the complaint, not May 22nd, the day of the incident) june. This is the 18 year old bank teller and here’s how he remembers the event which had happened 11 times early in the day:

A gental man came into the branch with a firearm (hand g u n) in the waist of his pants on Saturday 22 of May. It in fact was a transaction that is normal We had assisted him when prior to but this time around it simply made me personally just a little uncomfortable. He didn’t act weird it’s exactly that this is a bank. The time that is last assisted him he’d the hand g u n too nonetheless it had been so busy it slipped my brain. I felt uncomfortable so I talked to my supervisor in which he chose to call EPD.

Witness Statement

That is for the Ellensburg cost under city code, „. exhibits an intent to intimidate another or that warrants security for the safety of other people. „

Police stop ended up being May 22nd, with no citation filed. Jason filed complaint 1st june. Later same day this witness state ended up being gathered.

We find no concidence in how a buzz word ‚alarmed‘ was included.

And this witness declaration doesn’t sound much like the 911 call that Jason heard June 1st when filing the Freedom of Information demand. Jason typed this on June 1st about exactly what happened that day. Here his summary, in my own terms:

Jason switched in his formal issue against the city officers earlier today. He then stepped to the courthouse and switched one in against the county deputy included aswell.

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