I will be a huge fan of comic strips.
The comics part is the beginning I go when reading the newspaper that is daily. (papers, exactly how quaint!) My young ones love the comics, too. They wait in (very nearly) quiet anticipation for me personally to move along towards the Sports Section, so they will get their sticky little hands on the page.
We only at GeekDad focus on providing examples of geeky things that geeky parents can perform and share using their young ones.
This is simply not some of those times. Well, at least not with all the ones that are little!
Webcomics began springing up like kudzu nearly the moment Al Gore finished inventing the interwebs. Some had been good, some were bad, many were indecipherable. But good, bad or fugly they certainly were however, each of them had something in common: a lack that is complete of. In the nature of Bad Dad Month, i’ve put together a summary of 10 of my favorite geeky webcomics, the majority of that we will never be sharing with my kids until they truly are well within their teenage years. Let’s face it, a lot of geek-related humor out there tends to possess more of an adult/bizarre/sophomoric streak than your typical Sunday Comics page. It can also be hi-friggin‘-larious. „10 Great Webcomics You Ought To Not Share With Your Children“ weiterlesen