Tag: tinder. A great deal has happened since my final post and so I guess I’ll execute a small improvement

Tag: tinder. A great deal has happened since my final post and so I guess I’ll execute a small improvement

Moment of Silence

Whew! It is often a number of years since I’ve published a post….my honest apologies.

This fall solo dolo…yes, me a African American woman will be traveling to the “colonizers” (Black Panther reference) land SOLO AFFFFF for starters, I’m taking a Euro trip. To tell the truth this whole journey stemmed from a man I became seeing telling me I can’t. Absolutely Nothing motivates me significantly more than somebody telling me personally I can’t or that we should not as a female. Like demonstrably, ladies haven’t any knowledge without hyper masculinity around to steer our paths. WHERE WOULD WE BE WITHOUT MEN? *insert yelling emoji* A GREAT DEAL FURTHER. „Tag: tinder. A great deal has happened since my final post and so I guess I’ll execute a small improvement“ weiterlesen